2023: In Review
Hey guys! We just wanted to talk about the things we’ve seen and how much we’ve grown over the last year, and truly thank you for your commitment to Vanilly! It’s because of you that we’re able to keep Vanilly alive, and continue to see all the changes that we are able to do because of the suggestions we get from of our playerbase.
Vanilly’s Biggest Accomplishments of 2023
Opened/Experienced several game modes
Several of our players were here for the launch and closure of our Lifesteal server, and they truly were our driving force in attempting to adapt and overcome a gamemode that was completely opposite to what our Network had been prior. We appreciate the time and commitment that those players lost in its closure, and hope we can expand on the Vanilly experience to continue to interest you all in sticking around! Looking forward to having this year to dedicate time to the long term future and expansion of existing gamemodes within the Vanilly Network. For Survival, event servers like arcade and creative were added to boost the variety in the events that we can host for you. In 2024, we hope to adjust and maximize these gamemodes to better fit the expectations of our playerbase and community!
Featured in an article for “Best Survival Minecraft Servers of 2023”
This one is still crazy to us. Thank you all for your undying support, it shows. Being compared to these other servers that have been active for longer and carry a higher play count, it's still astonishing to us that we're number one on this list, and it's because of the community we have.
Passed the threshold of our player cap
Remember the Egg Hunt back in March? I’m sure you do! We hit our player cap and then some; achieving 114/80 players online!
2,071 users on our discord
So many new faces in game and friends we’ve seen pass through our community We honestly don’t know where to begin in thanking you all for your support. Hitting our one year anniversary recently and transitioning into 2024, it’s been incredible seeing the server and community grow together! It’s a struggle to piece all of our words together, so we thought it best to share our thoughts individually.
Loralon [Owner]: I can't believe we've passed 1 year already and are starting a new year together, the time flew by so fast! Vanilly really grew into quite the big server, bigger than I could ever imagine and I want to thank our staff team for all the work they've put into the server and the community for just simply being the best there is. I have to give a special shoutout to Envy and Nesiaq for really being the "front" of the server especially during my nearly 3 months leave to South Korea and shoutout to Yertle for the best co-owner you could want. I have learned a lot this past year with Vanilly. I learned that you simply can't please everybody and there will always be bugs and challenges to keep things interesting. I may have been less online lately but I still very much love Vanilly and the community we have. So here's to another amazing year on Vanilly!
Yertle [Owner]: Wow, I can’t believe the year we’ve had! It surely doesn't feel like it. It's hard to sum up a year in a comment, but I will try my best. I am lucky to be a part of this community, and to have met all the people I have met so far. I am forever grateful to everyone who has joined and appreciated what Vanilly is. I could have never done this without Loralon, and our staff team. After the initial launch of Vanilly, it was a "solo" effort. Just Loralon and I bouncing ideas back and forth and creating something we deemed necessary for the Minecraft community. A well moderated family friendly server, that is mainly focused on having a Vanilla feeling, while still being enjoyable for the majority of people. Massive shoutout to Envious_Sin and nesiaq for being the main "front" of the community while the owner(s) can shift their focus on doing the back-end stuff that's needed every day, could not have made it this far without you guys.
Envious_Sin [Community Manager]: I’ve been looking for the words for months now to express my gratitude for the Vanilly community, and I have yet to find the exact words. There truly isn’t enough time or space in this post for me to even begin to express everything I’m grateful for in/about Vanilly. Thank you all for the late nights in arcade and early mornings in artmap. The love I have for this community is overwhelming at times, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I’m so thankful to be a part of this community and be a part of the development and growth both in game and on discord. Before Vanilly, I had only played on small modded servers mostly! I l came back to vanilla just because it had been so long and I wanted to try being involved in a more active community. I’m so thankful for not only my warm welcome into the community, but the faith Yertle, Loralon, and Nesiaq had in me to take over as Community Manager. Every day has been a new set of challenges, accomplishments, and honestly so much fun, 2023 was an incredible year and I’m fired up and ready with new ideas for 2024!
Nesiaq [Administrator]: Over the course of this year, I have seen so much happen and change! Going from 15 people at our 1 month anniversary photo to averaging 40 players daily; some players have come and gone, but some have stayed! Some even come back to check in every now and again. I am thankful to the community and staff who have made Vanilly what it is today, we have grown so much. Even though I cannot express my feelings wholeheartedly to you all, I am so excited to see what 2024 brings, how the server will grow, what will happen, how the game modes will change and what events we have in mind for you all. Experiencing 2 Christmas' and 2 New Years with you guys feels so unreal, I am excited to spend more holidays with you all! 2022 to now has by far been the most fun and happy moments I have ever had on a Minecraft server, even though we have experienced a lot of different emotions it is what has made me who I am today. Thank you to every single person who has joined this Community, regardless of what has happened so far I truly appreciate you all. Thank you all for being patient with us as a staff team and I would like to thank Envious_Sin for being patient with me throughout the time they’ve joined the staff. They've hosted a lot of events for Vanilly and have made them all fun! Thank you to Yertle and Loralon for giving me this opportunity.
That’s our year in review! Thank you all for joining us on this adventure and we're so excited to see what 2024 has in store for Vanilly. Have fun, stay safe, and see you all in game soon!